Let’s hear the testimonies of Christian meditation practitioners!


The Christian Meditation Center has given me the confidence that I can meet with God in this new way that feels rich, deep, and still. Christian meditation has elevated my focus, gratitude, and presence; even on days I didn’t feel I meditated well. Meeting with God through Christian meditation on a regular basis has been a life-giving gift that I carry throughout every day. -Jennifer Kurman

I feel as though a portal, if you will, has been introduced and an awareness that Christ has welcomed me to come to Him in humility and meekness to enable me to draw closer to Him and He to me. This wonderful expression of love in stillness has been provocatively encouraging to me. -Peter Caccioppoli

I have been meditating daily for more than a decade.  It changed my entire life physically, mentally and spiritually.  Before meditation, I was a frantic and fearful human.  But over the years, I’ve learned to listen to the inner Voice that calms and directs when I let Him.  -Vicki Simek

Christian Meditation has completely changed my life for the better in every possible way. When I began to seek meditation as a coping tool, I discovered the Christian Meditation Center and I am very thankful that I did. What I’m experiencing and learning is drawing me closer to God every day. -Odessa Patton

I knew I needed to take time to meditate.  This past Christmas season, I had a mountain of things that had to be done and I just knew I had to start by joining the day’s Zoom meditation meeting.  Practicing the presence of God, being still in God’s presence can give me space to do what seems impossible, improbable and to do it with as much love that is in my heart.  So, the next time you think to yourself how will I get this all done, begin by setting the intention to meet with God first: The practice transforms your heart, soul, mind and life. -Nadine Mack

I am truly grateful for this amazing journey of practicing Christian meditation. It has helped me have a constant reminder to have more of a Christ-like consciousness. I’ve tried many meditation practices and there is nothing better than focusing on staying in the presence of love and the light of what my true heart is eager to learn by trying my best to see through God’s eyes. -Dana Baumiester

I meditate daily; usually during a period of personal quiet time. This practice, for me, involves reading scripture passages, engaging in petition and intercessory prayer, and concluding with a period of silence – or listening, contemplative prayer (meditation). -George Allen

If anyone is interested in meditation or wants to feel the benefits, I am a testimony to the profound love God has for us. It resets my taste buds, gives me hope in my future, and I feel far away from the things of the world that burden my heart. Every day I meditate, I get to go somewhere I’ve never been.  It’s amazing! -Crystal Hill

I have experienced a sense of calm over me since doing Christian meditation.  It’s a subtle but noticeable change from what my norm usually is, full of worry and anxiety, rushing around.  Committing to meditation practice is a guarantee for me to gain a sense of control over my life by actually giving control over to God. Acknowledging that I need to stop and lay my angst and worry at His feet, actually sitting down and putting that idea into an action, frees me from holding onto those chaotic feelings.   In return, I have a calmer mind space, where my thoughts are organized and clear.   I am happier. I am less triggered.  I feel secure in myself because I know that God is truly next to me because I connect with Him during my time with Him through meditation. -Gina Marasco

I feel closer to Him and hear Him speak to me. -Frank Hanley

I have received your wonderful Soul Snack every morning for many years. I then forward it to about 23 friends.  Some of them look forward to it and respond daily with a word or two as to what the quote means to them.  Sometimes I research the author or the quote and include it at the bottom.  Your books also mean a lot to me as they have given me a direction to meditation should I be able to conquer my ability to meditate in a deeper way.  I thank you for this wonderful Center you began many years ago, Teri.  You have brought so much spirituality to so many people and I am sure lives have been changed because of you and the Center. -Carole Williams

Christian meditation has deepened the unpacking of the Fruit of the Spirit in my life. It feels like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control super-sized within me. Through God’s grace it has allowed me to walk in the Spirit more consistently. -Teresa Yerkes

Like the ringing bells of an ancient monastery, my phone pings to call me to prayer and meditation, opening the door to Peace through Presence. The Christian Meditation Center is a steady support to help me hear God’s call throughout the week. To join with others scattered far and wide, to be joined in one sacred purpose with a gentle experienced leader transforms the day, and ultimately my life. I’m grateful! -Monica Armstrong

THANKS SO MUCH for your help and teaching me about Christian meditation! I do it almost every night either with you guys, on YouTube or often just by myself. I really feel like it’s helping me and I’m very grateful to you!! I’m also finding that I’m able to do it a little longer and longer every day and I don’t stress out if my mind strays. I just calmly bring it back! Thanks again! You’re doing a GREAT thing and I know you’re helping a lot of people like me who desperately need this! I’ll be praying about that opportunity whose details I already forgot about but I know it’s big and I pray that it comes through, not only for you but for the many people who DESPERATELY need to experience the peace and joy they have at their disposal, but they don’t know how to access it! Blessings! ❤️ MC

We invite you to share your testimony on how your meditation practice has impacted your life. Please submit your testimony to tyerkes@christianmeditationcenter.org.