Christian meditation is not a redesign of Eastern meditation. Christian meditation has been practiced for centuries. Christ Himself spent many hours in prayer and just being in God’s presence. You will find this book offers a compelling case for the practice that has changed the lives of so many people. Christian meditation is a practice that brings us closer to God and by the grace of God, to be united with Him. It is in being closer, we find the healing we need and the power to overcome our old nature.

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God Within You eBook by Teresa Yerkes







Check out Teresa’s book, Come Closer: The Practice of Christian Meditation

Jesus tells us, “Neither will they say, ‘Look, here!’ or, ‘Look, there!’ for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.” Christian meditation is the practice of resting in the Kingdom in stillness and silence, placing our attention in the center of our being.

We spend time talking to God, but we rarely take time to listen, to be available to receive from Him. A fulfilling relationship needs good communication, both prayer, and meditation.

We also fill up our time attending to our many things to do. The practice of Christian meditation provides the balance to connect to our Lord and just be with Him. By doing so, we bring His grace into our daily activities.

This beautiful practice invites us to experience the Fruit of the Spirit. We all want to experience an abundance of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Some additional benefits are a stabilized emotional life, an overall sense of wellbeing, and a desire to extend God’s love to others.



Teresa has also written a children’s book, Julianna and Madeline’s Journey to God’s Peace and Love: A Christian Meditation Adventure.

“Julianna and Madeline’s Journey to God’s Peace and Love: A Christian Meditation Adventure” is not just a tale—it’s a gift of serenity that will resonate with readers of all ages.









Please feel free to reach out to us at or 856-404-5704. Check out our website to learn more about Christian meditation!